How do the federations use the funding?

Hi everyone,

We did a little audit of our federations' financials and we would like to share the results.

We have noticed that only a fraction of weekly income is used for the activity of the federation and instead is stashed away and not used at all. We encourage the federations to run activities and either attract new managers or enhance the gaming experience for the current players. However, vast majority of the federations lack in proactive approach.

For example, 2 federations (Ivory Coast and the Netherlands) have never made any financial transactions apart from the automated weekly operations, while 2 more have had last financial operation made in season 95 (Hungary) and season 94 (Greece). For example, the Netherlands' federation weekly budget is used for president's personal gain, as all the weekly income is paid out to the president's personal account, despite any activity, that we would be aware of. That contradicts the goal of the federation, which is to encourage the community members to collaborate and go the extra mile.

Full interactive diagram may be found here.

Therefore, starting season 99, the following decisions have been made:

1. Automatic Weekly financing (red bar) will be set to 0. However, the federations that are well-maintained will get a 2.000 credits activity reward.

2. At the end of the season federation presidents will propose activities to be rewarded by the game administration. The largest rewards will be allocated for activities that contribute to the growth of the federation, such as creating quality posts and articles outside the game. The size of rewards will be subjectively determined by the game administration.

The rewarded activities as follows, but not limited to:
  • Video published online about BP. Example of darys video may be found here.
  • Article about a game posted online. Example of an article on Taiwanese gaming forum.
  • Information sent to game administration at the end of the season with the feedback from the community.
  • We will keep organizing the weekly activities.
  • Reward for well - organized federation, i.e. active teachers, well maintained names database, updated translations, active and friendly community. The reward may be lowered or not paid at all for non-active federations.
  • Up-to-date translations. If the language is not translated yet - the reward for new language translation - 100.000 credits.

3. In the first week of each season, a reward will be sent to federations based on their performance. For federations with recurring costs, such as active teachers, rewards may be distributed weekly, subject to agreement of the president and game administration.

We would like to encourage the community members, especially presidents, to be proactive and propose new ideas for activities, collaborate and contribute to the growth of the federation.

The recent example of DanTitan who has launched The Giants Magazine is a great example how one person can inspire others to share their ideas, make it more fun and earn game credits on top of that. Other examples contain ak904's live broadcast of 1st Taiwan's Cup draw, Davis Cup tournament and klinx's coverage and numerous articles outside of BP by Taiwan, Polish and Spanish communities.

We suggest the federation members to use a chat or a Discord group to discuss fresh ideas, work together and improve the gaming experience.

-- 98 S 38 j.
How do the federations use the funding?
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Montrer les réponses masquées: 16
In Peru we are only 3 players, among whom we divide the tasks, which are not many. Only preside over the federation so that there is no headlessness, and direct the national teams. The 3 users agree not to charge credits to the federation for acting as teachers and moderators. We have made invitations to the game, without success and every time someone enters we offer our help, but they do not enter again. We do not do it so that the game wins more real money, we do it to strengthen the Peruvian teams and to increase interaction with colleagues and therefore fun. On some occasions I have expressed my discomfort with the economic and training disadvantage that small federations have and I also want to add the disadvantages for players who do not buy credits. I'm also going to add that it seems wrong to me that those who work for the game, whether spreading it, moderating it, translating it or whatever, should be paid real money for their work and not credits to obtain advantages in the game. For all these reasons I do not recommend the game anymore and I speak only for myself and not for my colleagues.
Even so, it bothers me that they say that we are not an active federation because we enter every day, we communicate with each other on WhatsApp, we direct the national teams and every time a new user enters, we have more desire to retain them than the owners of the game. .
I recommend once again that if you want more users, you take the path of equity without penalizing small communities, giving bonuses to large communities, reducing the advantages of those who pay, updating the manual, improving the game engine, the page design and not pressuring users to work to fatten their pockets in exchange for bonuses (where the rival of the recipient is indirectly penalized by not receiving the bonus).
-- 98 S 40 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
JeroDel8 My friend. You truly speak from my heart. It's gradually becoming less fun to play. -- 98 S 40 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)
Couldn’t agree more from a small country perspective -- 98 S 40 j.
-- (Traduire) (Traduire EN)