

Franchise-Spieler Luís Anuncibay

316 RT

Alter: 27 J.

Größe: 217 cm.

flag molvizar

Mannschaftslogo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Lokaler Name: molvizar
Manager: ulipulido
SUMMMER logo BasketPulse logo

L. Anuncibay

Punkte: 16,8


L. Anuncibay

Rebounds: 7,1


O. Janulevičius

Assists: 5,6


Aktivität 2024-06-01 21:09
Land flag Spain
Verband Federacion España
kurzer Vereinsname molvi (molv)
Basketballschule molvi Basketballschule
Jugendmannschaft molvizar Youth


Stärke im Spiel 267 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Stärke in der Nat. Liga 4 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Stärke in der Int. Liga 30 (Platz in der Rangliste)
RT-Durchschnitt 271
Fanclub 817
Fan-Rangliste 164 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Pop.-Rating in Int. Liga 26 (Platz in der Rangliste)
Image 1/7
Meinung des Personals 6/7


Wöchentliches Einkommen von Sponsoren 92535 Eu
Max. Summe für Personalausgaben 225443 Eu
Tradebeschränkungsstufe 7 (Historie)
Wechsel (gesamt) 21
Wechsel (diese Saison) 0
Siege gesamt/absolvierte Spiele 577/1053 55%
Siege/absolvierte Saisonspiele 7/11 64%
Anzahl der geliehenen Spieler 35 (Statistiken)
Icon Trainer: Manel Lombraña (RT: 115)
-- 99 S 2 T.
Der Trainer hat beschlossen, seine Karriere am Ende der Saison zu beenden
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Important! The fight against cheating
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Weitere Antworten zeigen: 79
Of course, we won't simply change back just because the community didn't like the update. Such changes were made for valid reasons, and we've already explained these reasons.

The community has offered numerous suggestions for solving these issues, but each suggestion would require investing significantly more resources, which we currently don't have.

My suggestion is to focus on what we can do in the future. Our ultimate goal is to minimize cheating, and our current actions may not suffice to achieve this.
-- 99 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Really? All you have to do is buy credits and all the restrictions become meaningless. So we should call for what it is, as long as you pay you do whatever you want, that includes cheating, It doesn't solve the issue.

I have a better idea for you, just put a price behind account creation, same concept and "will solve all the problems in the game". No more cheaters and you will have a player base with people who put money in the game.
-- 99 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
The majority of our users have never purchased credits, so it's unlikely that cheaters who haven't bought credits will start just to cheat.

While some cheaters will likely persist, reducing the overall incidence of cheating will make detection and investigation easier.

As outlined in the article, these restrictions are just the first step. If they prove insufficient, we'll explore further measures. If necessary, I'm prepared to eliminate these features entirely.

Let's monitor how these restrictions change the situation and reassess after some time to determine if further steps are necessary
-- 99 S 1 T.
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)
Icon Spieler: Ken Zuko (RT: 183)
-- 99 S 1 T.
Der Spieler hat das Vertragsangebot deines Vereins angenommen
-- (Übersetze) (Übersetze EN)