Club's information

Team's logo

flag New Zealand U21

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Information League: None

I. Russell

Matches: 28

Ranking: 10,6

Points: 9,3


M. Cave

Matches: 26

Ranking: 24,8

Points: 20,8

Two pointers: 78%


K. Galletley

Matches: 26

Ranking: 12,8

Points: 11,8

Two pointers: 71%


Information Club is not managed
Country flag New Zealand


Strongest in the game 2986 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in tournament: National team 71 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in the league 23 ( place in rankings)
RT average 38


Overall wins/matches played 56/116 48%
Season's wins/matches played 0 - 0
Icon Player: Matiu Whipp (RT: 40)
-- 97 S 44 d.
Player excluded from National team
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Icon Player: Elias Busch (RT: 69)
-- 97 S 33 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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Icon Coach: Alexis Campbell (RT: 143)
-- 97 S 33 d.
Coach selected to lead the National team
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Icon Coach: Arapeta Bourgeois (RT: 139)
-- 97 S 33 d.
Coach selected to lead the National team
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Icon Coach: Atawhai Rasmussen (RT: 112)
-- 97 S 33 d.
Coach selected to lead the National team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)