

Federacion España

Main information
Federation president joancrumor
Date of creation 66S, 48d.
Spots in the Fair play Committee 2
Fair play committee members Pianoschulz


Currently there are no active suggestions

Icon Teacher: ulipulido
-- 99 S 4 d.
Feedback about the teacher: Darle las gracias, desde el principio me ha ayudado y ha contestado a todas mis dudas. Le deseo mucha suerte en el juego.
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Suerte a ti! Ahora a buscar la permanencia, ahorra y no te obceques con el top16, por si tienes luego que fichar! -- 99 S 5 d.
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Federation volunteer: joancrumor
-- 96 S 15 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president Intentar seguir con el trabajo de la comunidad
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Gracias a todos, ;))) -- 96 S 31 d.
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Federation: Federacion España
Federation president's term of office ended -- 98 S 37 d.
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Grande Joan! -- 98 S 45 d.
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Federation volunteer: joancrumor
-- 98 S 22 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president Buenas, a seguir colaborando con la comunidad, intentar crecer y mejorar los resultados de temporadas anteriores, un saludo
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Presidente, solicito la implementación del IRS y del saque rápido en competición nacional -- 98 S 37 d.
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Gallardo lol ;)) -- 98 S 37 d.
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Poco se implementa, no queras pagar mas creditos ;)) -- 98 S 37 d.
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Federation: Federacion España
-- 98 S 22 d.
Federation president's election begins
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Federation: Federacion España
Voting for the new federation's president begins! -- 98 S 29 d.
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Federation: Federacion España
Suggestion was accepted -- 98 S 37 d.
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Federation: Federacion España
-- 98 S 15 d.
Federation president's election begins
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Federation: Federacion España
Suggestion was rejected -- 98 S 22 d.
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