Club's information

Team's logo

flag Poznan BB CLub

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Poznan BB Club
Manager: jopencjusz
BasketPulse logo BasketPulse Facebook logo

M. Sobczyk

Points: 17,7


R. Hodas

Rebounds: 9,3


J. Nosacz

Assists: 7,6


Activity 2024-06-02 10:25
Country flag Poland
Federation Polish Basketball Association
Short club name Poznan BB (PBBC)
Basketball school Poznan BB Basketball school
Youth team Poznan BB CLub Youth


Strongest in the game 606 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in nat. league 7 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in int. league 4 ( place in rankings)
RT average 224
Fan club 580
Fan ranking 332 ( place in rankings)
Pop. rating in int. league 3 ( place in rankings)
Image 3/7
Personnel's opinion 6/7


Weekly income from sponsors 42120 Eu
Max sum for personnel's salaries 142882 Eu
Trades restrictions' level 7 (History)
Trades done overall 50
Trades made this season 1
Overall wins/matches played 372/651 57%
Season's wins/matches played 10/12 83%
Amount of borrowed players 4 (Statistics)
Candidate for National team manager: Belarus U16
-- 99 S 8 d.
I'd like to give it a try to compete for promotion to Division 1 with Belarus NT.
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Candidate for National team manager: Poland U21
-- 99 S 8 d.
Zgłaszam się tylko zapasowo, jeżeli moim rywalem w wyborach jest jakiś inny nasz manager, proszę głosujcie na niego. Startuję tylko na wypadek, gdyby zgłosił się kandydat z innego kraju. Uważam, że mamy wystarczająco dużo managerów, którzy mogliby wziąć na siebie prowadzenie kadry narodowej i nie wiem czemu zawsze brakuje w tym aspekcie chętnych.
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Candidate for National team manager: Iran U21
-- 99 S 8 d.
Let's try to keep Iran in Div 2.
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Icon Feedback about team that borrowed player: Kaunas BC INVINCIBLES
-- 98 S 63 d.
All good, except the fact, that manager doesn't arrange any friendly games.
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Lended player came back Icon Player: Kevin Kaminski (RT: 172) -- 98 S 63 d.
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Press message hidden by federation volunteer or administrator -- 99 S 2 d.
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Press message hidden by federation volunteer or administrator -- 99 S 2 d.
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Icon Feedback about team that borrowed player: Dalgis
-- 98 S 63 d.
All good, except the fact, that manager doesn't arrange any friendly games.
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Lended player came back Icon Player: Phate Pistol (RT: 218) -- 98 S 63 d.
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Thanks, yes my bad, wasn't active last days of season. -- 99 S 2 d.
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